FPGA section created

Created a section for personal FPGA projects. Completed several pages including beginnings of a retro all-FPGA based VGA game “Ganzvaders”, an I2C master, a UART transmitter, an Image to MEM tool, and some simpler beginner pages. Ganzvaders is still in a preliminary state, but I have an early glimpse showing its use of several of my other FPGA projects – VGA generation, sprites, I2C controller interface, and a simplistic acceleration model. Check them out at FPGA.

“ANCIENT” section published

Working on content for old nostalgic projects. Dug up a box of old stuff, took them apart, and wrote up what I could remember about building them. 5 pages done – AutoFire, C=64 Light Pen, “Oscilloscope”, Distortion Box, and PIC Programmer for one. Check them out at ANCIENT.

Retro gaming boxes written up

Just added two pages for the retro gaming systems I made a few years ago. One is a standup full-sized arcade cabinet and the other is a portable system. More of a woodworking than electronics project, since they’re Raspberry Pi based and straightforward to throw together. Check them out under the MISC menu.

The beginning!

Just started this site! Haven’t made a website since the stone ages so coming up the WordPress learning curve too. Goal is to document interesting projects I’ve previously built or am working on now. Hope to help others looking for info on these sorts of things or to collaborate on future projects. Stay tuned for content on flight sims, robots, electronics, FPGAs, embedded software, CNC, woodworking, old projects from the 80’s, retro arcade systems, and whatever…